As climbers, we need to take care of our bodies. That includes before, during, and after a climbing session, but did you know what the power of prehab exercises can do for you? Keeping your body prepped and ready for a climb can be essential for preventing injuries and improving your performance...
With so many exercises out there, it can be hard to decipher what is the best and worst! Let’s get your climbing to new heights with these great exercises, and help you know what to avoid!
We know climbers are more susceptible to back injuries due to the amount of pulling motions in...
Oftentimes, climbers will mistake more serious injuries for the common “pully injuries”, and that might cost them some serious time away from climbing. Being able to recognize an injury… and finding a physical therapist who actually specializes in rock climbing injuries...
We all seem to be striving to be the best climber out there. Some have the best shoes, ropes, and other gear, but some of the best climbers have something money can’t really buy…and that’s rotator cuff and shoulder strength. Maintaining strength here is KEY to keeping you...
Is that burning sensation in your arm holding you back from reaching your peak? Are you feeling constantly sore after your climbing sessions and aren’t sure what the cause is? It is probably tendonitis… but don’t worry! This article will spell out the top 5 reasons you...