We are a Climbing Performance and Physical Therapy Practice looking for...
a resourceful, efficient, problem-solver for a part-time position to help with one of my businesses: Perspective Physical Therapy (and occasional online marketing for my climbing performance training CompleteClimber.com)
An ideal candidate for this position is someone who consistently figures out how to produce the desired outcome even if it involves researching and learning new skills.

Thanks for reaching this far! You’re already showing some of the characteristics I’m looking for so if you’re interested in applying for this position, please send an email to [email protected] and follow these specific directions:
1) Use the Subject Line: I want to be your administrative assistant
2) Within the email, please write a few sentences about why you feel you are a great fit for this position.
3) Include a link to your LinkedIn profile (if you don’t already have one, please make one and include the link in the email… doesn’t need to be long or fancy.)
4) Attach your resumé as a PDF file

Thank you so much for your interest in this position.
I hope to meet you soon!